Monday, January 5, 2009

Face to Face

We live in a time of outstanding technological breakthroughs. It is so easy to send someone an email, text someone, talk on a cell phone, or send a letter. The problem with these types of communication is that they are so impersonal. It is so easy for people to say things or write things when they are not face to face with someone. And it is easy to misinterpret what someone means when you can't see their face or see their heart. Nothing can take the place of sitting down with someone and looking in theirs eyes when you talk to them. It is true that alot of times "it's not what you say, it's how you say it". So I have learned that sometimes people just want to be heard...and that maybe I shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions. People deserve a chance to explain themselves and should be given the benefit of the doubt. The only way we can do that is to sit down face to face ...look them in the eyes...and see their heart. People may surprise you...if you just give them a chance.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mr.Smith!

    wow you really are a blogger. i'm impressed. but this blog really hit home for me because i know i rely way to much on texting. sometimes i'm actually scared to call someone on the phone because i might not know what to say or there could be awkward silences. but i know that my relationships will be so much more meaningful if i can talk to people face to face. i am definatly going to try to stop relying on texting so much because i love all my friends so much and want to have the greatest relationships possible with all of them. thanks for the inspiration! you are such a great motivator!
